Blink Example

This example teaches you how to generate the code for the blink program!

The blink program is the Hello World program for the Arduino. We use a single LED and turn it on and off again with a slight delay. As a result the LED will blink, hence the name. If done correctly we can verify that our Arduino is working correctly and the connection is working.


To get started grab a LED and a resistor. Connect the LED to Pin 7 and use a breadboard to connect the GND pin with the resistor and LED.

See the scheme below on an example for the connections.

Connection scheme for the blink program


Now we first think about how our automata should look like. Use a pen and paper and try to sketch what is happening. An example automata is shown below.

Blink sketch example

Add States

Now we’re going to translate our sketch to the Automaduino. For this we add two states to our canvas: A LED that is on and a LED that is off.

Blink states

Add Transitions

We’re now going to connect the states. We start by connecting the start point with the ON state. After we turned the LED on, we want to wait a short time and then turn it off. To do this we connect it with the OFF state and select a delay of 1000 ms. To repeat our blink we connect back to the ON state.

Blink transitions

Assign Pins

To finish our code generation we need to assign pins. We open the dialogue and add a LED component on pin 7. We then assign both available states to this component and submit.

Full blink example


Now copy the code into the Arduino IDE and upload the sketch as detailed in the Getting Started guide. If you connected the LED correctly it should now blink! You successfully programmed an Arduino!

Full Example

Last modified April 1, 2022: finished english documentation (1e3866c)